Johan Fritz: Structure of the SSP, Corporations, Psychology, Mind Programming, Genetics, Experiments Publiziert am 24. November 2020 von _ADMIN_ “Johan Fritz: Structure of the SSP, Corporations, Psychology, Mind Programming, Genetics, Experiments 1.200 Aufrufe•23.11.2020 Awakening Cosmic Reality Show 12.500 Abonnenten A discussion with Johan Fritz about the structure of the SSP and corporations that are connected, psychology, MK Ultra, Mind programming, Genetics, and Medical experiments.” Conspiracy Revelation: 24.11.2020: You have by far more ads turned on than any commercial TV-Station… Never have I seen so many ads in such a short amount of time at YT. “Part of your genetics is in that cyborg or part of your soul is in that cyborg.. while you are still on the base and you are still functioning.” “Correct, we call it Soul Fragment and that Soul Fragment, essentially, the Alter, resides then in the canister, the sleeve of that...